Daily distance: 16.2km
Total distance: 16.2km
Time: 8hrs
It was an early start straight from the "villa" and a kilometer later we were at the start of the Heysen Trail. Sunrise over the ocean just set the mode for the walk and after the obligatory photos we set off along the coastline with Kangaroo Island off to our right. The trail was well marked and simple to follow and the walking was easy even though packs were heavy.
The going got tougher about half way into the day and the hills started getting very steep. Legs not used to the walking started getting tired and packs started getting very heavy. With lots of time we had plenty of rest so the going was enjoyable. The last section into Cobblerhill Campsite was bugger of a hill and took forever to get up. Large Grey Kagaroos came out to have a look at us as we trudged past. Jeff, alias Strider, came back to have a look for us which was also the first time we saw him since early morning.
The camp went up under some Gum trees while being watched by roo's. The temperature dropped hectically once the sun went down and all our clothes went on, gloves, beanie, willy warmer the lot.
Dinner was gourmet peperoni salami and hard boiled eggs. Sleep came quick......
It seems that you got to sleep with the Roo's. You covering some k's