Daily distance: 2km
Total distance: 18.2km
Walking time: 1hr
The wind came up during the night and started flattening the tents over us. I was afraid the tent poles would break but luckily they held out.... a bit buckled but not broken. The rain started early morning and really started peeing down at sunrise. Jeff made us coffee sitting on the 'john' .... wish I could've got a photo....
Packing up was a mission and everything was soaking wet which just made it heavier. According to the map there was a shelter 2km away which is what we made for. The track was treacherous and super slippery... with the strong wind and poaring rain we made slow time but eventually got to the shelter. What pleasure to be able to get out of the rain and wind. The shelter turned out to be just that. Open one side and closed on 3 with strong bunk beds.
Up went the para cord and everything got hung up to try get things dry. Warm clothes went on...everything that was not wet and into sleeping bags we went to catch up on the sleep we had missed the night before.
This desision to stay rather than try walk turned out to be a very good decision as we would never have made the walk the folowing day. We shared the shelter with some small rodents which took a delightful liking to Jeff's mug.
wise move - settling in for the day