Friday, 6 June 2014

Day 30: Smith Hill Campsite to Webb Gap Campsite

Daily distance: 11.8km
Total distance: 469.91km

We headed down the mountain in the morning emerging from the mist and the trail turned north. We followed the road under crystal clear skies and a freezing wind but great walking weather. The Lofty Ranges were on our left hand side as we headed north with rolling fields with loads of sheep to our right. We stopped for a break and cuppa on Julie road and pulled out the solar charger to try get this tablet chargered. Little did that help as it simply wont charge, hence the reason your reading this a couple of days latter.

We speeded up after a bite and went over this fence, through that gate, over this style,  all heading north. After a particularly steep gully we sat down on a log for a breather when suddenly Jeff said "dont move"! I immediately froze as I thought elephant..... then I heard this thump, thump coming up behind me and a roo bounded past not more than a meter from us. She stopped a couple of meters away, sniffed the wind (that was Jeff)  looked round a couple of time then slowly continued on her way. As Jeff said " this is why we do it, for the small things"!

We were on such a buzz from the roo episode we missed a trail marker and carried on straight instead of heading west. We realised this after about 800m and when we  checked the GPS saw that the trail joined it again ahead of us somewhere. We simply carried on straight and found the trail on the road that went through Webb Gap. A steep climb and we were at the camp site.

Out came everything to dry and up went the tents and we collected firewood for the evening to come. Great to relax and let tender feet heel a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce you nearly got done by a Roo, wonder what change its mind?
