Sunday, 15 June 2014

Day 36: Black Jack Shelter to Caroona Creek Shelter

Daily distance:16km
Total distance:579.21km

Weather was heavily overcast this morning when we left but there was absolutely no wind, so a bit warmer. We had entered into rougher, wilder country yesterday and today it just got better. From leaving the hut we climbed a gentle rise going east which eventually became a vertical wall. However it was such a rugged climb I dont think either of us noticed to be honest. This climb we had been looking at on the gradient map for a couple days now and was mark as C.

So is it ontop of C that we had our muesli breakfast with an amazing veiw over what I asume is wild Australian country. It was also the first time in a week that I got to take off my long sleeve shirt and walkn in a t-shirt. From the top of C which is part of the Sugar Loaf Range of mountains we could see almost all the way to the ocean which is over 200km away. Heading down was another story and took awhile with lots of abuse being thrown the mountains way. Broken ravines and gullies,  sparsely wooded slopes and sparse eucalyptus woodland is what we spent the rest of the day walking through.

Two new mammals were added to our list today, one being 2 Red Kangaroos and the other being wild goats. Well the goats dont really class as a tick in my books but still great to se goats that see humans and are gone, rather than them coming up to you and wanting to eat whatever you are eating. Birdlife is now prolific with a frustratingly large number of birds I cant identify with no book and the other frustrating half which I do recognise but cant remember the names of. It is actually, believe it or not, quite nice being somewhere where I dont recognise every sound and everybird out there.... and that it does not matter. OK I still get a fright with those Kangaroo Elephants that come bounding past but I have not quite got used to being in the bush where things dont have the ability of flattening you!

We crossed into Caroona Creek Conservation Park and headed down hill and crossed the Newikie Creek which was flowing beautifully.  On the far bank was a small corrigated hut built into the bank. We succesfully crossed the creek and had a look at this small little hut. There was a photo up of a group of wild looking individuals but nothing else. The hut was dug into the bank with a samll stove and chimney in place.

About 2km on as we joined and old 2 track road a group of hikers approached from the opposite direction. It was a school group on an orientation outing who had camped at the shelter we were heading for. The one young lady was very happy that the shelter had a toilet and when they heard we had walked from Cape Jervis and were on day 35 they were astounded, but just as pleased their vehicle was just a short distance away.

We made it to the Caroona Creek Shelter by 14h00 and made ourselves at home. It is a very big shelter with a bench bolted to the floor. Our tent has gone up in the back of the shelter with loads of room left in front of it. If it was not so cold there would be no need for the tent however I am afraid of 'polar bears'.

The toilet was great and if worst comes to worst and Jeff and I start fighting he can move into the toilet as it is big enough for him to lie down in (with all his shit). My highlight for the day was finding out that Jeff had wet wipes with him!

Tomorrow we head towards Mount Bryan East School which is approximately 18km from here. 

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