Saturday, 28 June 2014

Day 49: Melrose to Grays Hut

Daily total: 12.4km
Total distance: 843.7km

Had a lie in this morning as we did not have a long way to go and evemtually left the caravan park at 9am. The trail goes through the caravan park so we were on it right away and crossed a hanging bridge over a stream before heading up to the War Memorial for the men who had fallen in the First World War. Great veiws of Melrose from this evevated position which is the start of a lot of different trails, both walking and mountain biking.

From this point on the walk went from great, to frigging awesome. The trail wound it's way around the north eastern side of Mount Remarkable along the edge of the face. As the photos show you some of these slope are pretty sheer in places and takes a sure foot to get across. However, for all the discomfort in the climb and the steep slopes, the trail made up for it with stunning views. We could see for at least 40km over agriculture land to other mountains off to the east. After one particular large and steep scree slope Dee pointed out an aeroplane wreck in the valley below and told me the story of a small plane flying into the side of the mountain in some thick mist. When you see the mountain you understand why John Eyre named it Mount Remarkable in 1840. It simply juts out of the plain and is there.

We had our muesli on the slopes looking over the plains before rounding the face and getting onto the exposed side of the mountain. Here the wind was very gusty and cold. Not that cold was a problem climbing this steep mountain. Six kilometers later we crested the summit in very strong winds to find an old gentleman sitting at the top in his shorts and t-shirt with a small day pack. He was built like a piece of lean biltong and Dee made the comment that he probably does this walk everyday. We tried to chat but the wind was too loud so he said cheers and wandered off down the slope the way we had come. There is a pile of rocks at the summit, so like travellers coming past, each put a stone on, so Dee and I put ours on before heading down the opposite side of the mountain.

Going down was alot straighter than up so alot quicker but also very tiring on the knees. A few stops later and the trail took us off the road into the most amazing green valley with a crystal clear stream flowing at the bottom. We were so enthralled in the valley we missed a critical marker and only realized it about a kilometer later. No worries we decided to head straight over the mountain rather than back track as the track was only 450m away....... mmmmm.... Then started the fun and games... Up and up and up and up we went at times on all fours and the bloody hill, or what looked like a small hill from the bottom, turned into a long drawn out cliff face. Eish, by the time we got to the top my calves were on fire and my quads were shaking they were so tired. Dee did not answer anything I said and just plain ignored me. I guess she was tired as well!

Once we crested 'everest' and found our trail it was not far till we came out at the hut. Named Grays Hut after the family who lived here with milk cows and taking the milk to Melrose once a week by wagon, a distance of 16km. The hut only burnt down in 1988 and was restored for hikers. Fantastic!

We made it just in time cause not long after we got here it started raining and is still doing so now. Tomorrow we were hoping to get to the next town or Wilmington, but we will have to wait and see what the weather does cause if it's like it is now..... well they can rename this place to "Deehut".

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